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Legal Services


Mumtaz & Associates Lawyers, Advocates, Attorneys, Immigration Consultants and Solicitors can be engaged in for the following services.

  • LEGAL REPRESENTATION: You can engage our lawyers and attorneys for legal representation in court, tribunal or for ADR proceedings.  You can initiate your query by completing your contact details and giving us a brief over view of the facts, by completing our initial free consultation form. Should we feel satisfied by our expertise and knowledge of law you may engage us by executing a Vaklatnama.  To proceed click on free consultation or contact us at our head office.
  • LEGAL ADVICE: To get an opinion or research for a legal query you can use this service. Your legal opinion will be prepared within a period of 2-3 working days. Please note that free legal consultation will not create any client and counsel relationship, however if you engage us for furnishing our legal opinion or for conducting legal research on your behalf we shall charge you according.
  • DEEDS, DRAFTS, LEGAL NOTICES & AGREEMENT: Our Corporate Department will be able to assist you in drafting deeds and agreements pertaining to your needs. We are further able to help you with the registration of documents formalities.
  • LEGAL RETAINER: You can engage our Law Firm on a yearly retainer so that you have legal help.  We shall endeavor to ensure that our most suitable Partner, supported by one associate is dedicated for you during the entire year.  Our Legal retainer services can be availed by sending us your scope of work and in due courses we shall inform you about our professional fees. The Key benefit of Legal Retainer service is cost-effectiveness because our client will pay a lump sum amount irrespective of the number of legal queries answered, whereas for individual legal opinion or reply to legal notice or for reviewing legal documents, which are beyond the scope of Retainer Service will be charged by the hour.    
    Our Retainer Service can be availed on two basis, which is as follows:
  • Associate visit: The Concerned associate will visit the concerned department of our client (normally this is only done if original documents of our clients cannot be forwarded to our office).
  • Client visit: Our Client will drop the copies of the Documents or forward us is legal queries electronically to our head office.

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