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Short Term Stay in Turkey

The non-Turkish citizens who want to stay in Turkey longer than the tourist visa (more than 90 days) can obtain short-term residence permit valid up to 1 year to 2 year each. Turkey issues tourist purpose residence permits up to two (2) years per application (at initial applications these are commonly issued for one year). In order to apply for a touristic type residency permit; the short-term residence permit must be renewed each time up to 60 days before the expiration date.

Residence Permits Based upon Purchase of Real Estate

The non-Turkish citizens may own real estate properties in Turkey as they are permitted to apply directly for a short-term residence permit based on their ownership of such real estate. These permits will be issued up to two (2) years. In addition there are general limitations in respect to the area of these properties.

Family Residence Permits

The individuals who are holders of residence permits may be issued a family residence permits and thus the spouse and children under the age 18 of the foreigner may be granted with residence permit in connection to the residence permit of the sponsor under certain conditions.

Long-Term (Indefinite) Residence Permits

 If a foreigners has continuously resided in Turkey for at least eight (8) years will be entitled to an  indefinite residence permit upon the review and approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In order to apply for such residence permit, the applicant must prove that he/she has been residing in Turkey continuously for at least eight (8) years, has not received any social benefits within the last three (3) years, has adequate financial resources and income to support him/herself and family and has a valid health insurance.

Five (5) Year Rule and Extended Stay for Longer Term in Turkey

Foreigners who are residing in Turkey for longer than eight (8) years also becomes eligible to acquire an indefinite term residence permit (similar to a Greed Card of U.S.) but if they do not wish to change to Turkish citizenship. Such legitimate longer term stay in Turkey could be attained with various methods as summarized below:

Citizenship Application Based on Investment (Investor Immigration)

The Turkish Government has introduced the option of obtaining a Turkish Citizenship via making an investment in Turkey, similar to other countries in the world, with certain reservations. The amounts of investment required for acquiring Turkish citizenship applications are lowered. Accordingly, foreigners are required to fulfill at least one of the below-mentioned investment requirements and in turn will be granted a citizenship.

  1. a) Make a fixed capital investment amounting to a minimum $500.000 (prior to the amendment such amount was $2,000,000) in a Turkish corporate entity;
  2. b) To purchase a real estate property with a minimum value of  $250.000 or equivalent amount of foreign currency or Turkish Liras and  such property shall also have an annotation of no-sale for at least three (3) years at the relevant title registry
  3. c) To generate employment for at least fifty (50) individuals (prior to the amendment such amount was 100 individuals);
  4. d) To deposit a minimum of $500,000 to banks that operate in Turkey (prior to the amendment such amount was $3,000,000) with the condition to keep such deposit in the relevant bank for at least three (3) years;
  5. e) To purchase state debt instruments with the value of a minimum of $500.000 or equivalent amount of foreign currency or Turkish Liras (prior to the amendment such amount was $3,000,000) and keep in reserve for at least three (3) years;
  6. f) To purchase real estate participation fund share and capital investment trusts fund share with a minimum value of $500.000 or equivalent amount of foreign currency or Turkish Liras (prior to the amendment such amount was $1,500,000) on the condition to keep those in reserve for at least three (3) years.

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