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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Case Stages:
Charitable Society Registration in Pakistan
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Please contact Mumtaz & Associates for advise on which type of NGO / NPO best suites your needs. Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding registration of society under Society Registration Act, 1860: Q. What is the purpose for which a society can be formed in Pakistan?A. According to Societies Registration Act, 1860 the society may be registered for the grant of charitable assistance, for the promotion of science, literature, the fine arts, for instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge, diffusion of political education the foundation or maintenance of libraries or reading rooms, public museums and galleries of paintings and other works of art, collection of natural history, mechanical and philosophical inventions, instruments or designs. Q. Who all can form a society or charitable organization in Pakistan? Q. How can a society be dissolved? Q. Who is the signing authority of a registered society? Q. What is the disqualification for being a member of the society? Q. What is the quorum required for a meeting of a society? Q. What are the things to be kept in mind while proposing a name of the society? Q. Can a registered society make amendments in rules & regulations and memorandum of the society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860? Q. Whether foreigners can be appointed as Executive Committee members? Q. What are the books of accounts to maintain by a society? Q. Is NGO/NPO or charitable organization registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 in Pakistan a tax-exempt entity? If not, how do I become tax exempt? Mumtaz & Associates provide services to register non-governmental and non-profit organizations in the field of Health Care and Medical fields, Education, Eye Health and capacity building, Humanitarian Development, Aid Centre, Advocacy and Awareness, Child Labour, Child Protection, Citizenship Education, Drinking Water, Drug Abuse, Free Hospital, Religious Education, Technical Education etc. Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on registration of a NGO / NPO and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. Non-Profit Company Registration in Pakistan You may also want to review details pertaining to:
Please contact Mumtaz & Associates for advise on which type of NGO / NPO best suites your needs. Below are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on registration of non-profit company in Pakistan which is another option than registering a non-profit under Societies Act: Q. Is a non-profit company/organization need to obtain licence also? Q. For how many years licence is issued? Q. Minimum how many members can form an association not for profit under Companies Ordinance, 1984? Q. Can non-profit company incorporated under Companies Ordinance, 1984 have multiple objects? Q. In case of closing the non-profit company where will assets or property of the said company go? Q. Are foreigners are allowed to form non-profit association/company under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984? Q. Can licence granted under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 be revoked? Q. Does a non-profit company wanting to get registration under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 requires to have minimum paid up capital as required by other companies of registered under Companies Ordinance, 1984? Q. Can a non-profit company registered under section 42 of the Companies Laws of Pakistan have activities outside Pakistan? Q. Can one person be the sole director and officer of a nonprofit company in Pakistan? Q. Can a nonprofit company pay a salary to its directors, officers and employees? Q. Is a nonprofit company a tax-exempt entity? If not, how do I become tax exempt? Mumtaz & Associates have successfully dealt with incorporation of various nonprofit companies under section 42 of the Company Ordinance, 1984 including registration of nonprofit company for education; nonprofit company for sports; nonprofit company for charity activities; nonprofit company for arts, sciences and literature; nonprofit company for culture and heritage activities; nonprofit company for health services activities; nonprofit company for social infrastructure and human resource development activities; nonprofit company for rural support programme activities; nonprofit company for religious activities; nonprofit company for professional Institutions activities; and nonprofit company for special education activities. Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on registration of a NGO / NPO and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. Company Registration in Pakistan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Company Law in Pakistan. Q. What is meant by Private Company? A. According to Companies Ordinance, 1984 private company means a company, which, by its articles, restricts the right to transfer its shares, if any. Limits the number of its members to fifty not including persons who are in the employment of the company and prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for the shares, if any, or debentures of the company. Q. Which law is applicable for incorporation of companies? A. Relevant laws are Companies Ordinance, 1984, Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules, 1985, Single Member Companies Rules, 2003 and Code of Corporate Governance for limited companies. Q. How many types of Companies are there? A. Companies Ordinance, 1984 mentions three types of companies i.e. company limited by shares, company limited by guarantee and unlimited company. Companies which may be registered in the mentioned categories in Pakistan are a single member company, a private limited company, a public limited company; which may be listed or unlisted and a foreign company. Q. What is Minimum number of members for forming a company? A. A public unlisted company must have at least three members/directors whereas the company listed at stock exchange must have at least seven members/directors. A private company may have only two members/directors and a single member company can be formed with one chief executive and a company secretary. Q. According to Company Law what is Special Resolution? A. According to Companies Ordinance, 1984 Special Resolution means a resolution which has been passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of such members entitled to vote as are present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of which not less than twenty-one days notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given. Provided that, if all the members entitled to attend and vote at any such meeting so agree, a resolution may be proposed and passed as a special resolution at a meeting of which less than twenty-one days notice has been given. Q .What is Memorandum of Association of a company? A. Memorandum of Association primarily specifies the framework of company’s objectives and capital boundaries. It is the constitution of a company, and is its main document. A company cannot incorporate without a memorandum of association. It provides information about a company, its financial structure, and its functions. Memorandum of Association governs a company’s business operations by highlighting clauses of what a company can do and what it cannot. It includes Name clause, Registered Office Clause, Object Clause, Liabilities Clause, and Authorized Capital Clause. The object clauses cannot be changed or enlarged without the approval of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Q. What is Articles of Association? A. Articles of Association highlight internal regulations for the management of the company. It states the roles and functions of the company’s management. Articles of Association govern company management’s operations they transcribes rules for conducting its daily business in accordance with applicable laws e.g. transfer and transmission of shares, mode of alteration in capital, holding of meetings, voting, powers and duties of directors and chief executive, distribution of dividends, capitalization of profits and reserves, preparation of accounts, winding up, etc. Q .Can Articles of Association be altered after incorporation? A. Yes, a company can alter its articles of association anytime after passing of a special resolution by the shareholders. Q. Can I convert my sole proprietor business into a company? A. Yes, sole proprietor business can be converted into sole proprietor company or a private limited company. Q. To start a small business which forms should I adopt? A. You can adopt any one option that is; by becoming a sole proprietor, by forming a single member company, by forming a partnership and you can also form a private limited company. Q. Can a foreigner be a director in a Pakistani Company? A. Yes, foreigner can be a director of a Pakistani Company after compliance with the Foreign Exchange Regulations. Q. How does a director resign from a Private Limited Company? A. A director can resign anytime subject to the clearance of any liability against him. Q. What is the minimum paid-up capital of a Private Limited Company? A. The minimum paid up capital at the time of incorporation of a private limited company has to be Pakistani Rupees 1, 00,000. There is no upper limit on having the authorized capital and the paid up capital. Capital can be increased any time. Q. What is the difference between authorized capital and paid up capital? A. The authorized capital is the limit up to which the directors are competent to issue shares. Paid up and subscribe capital means the capital actually issued in favor of the directors/shareholders within the limits of authorized capital. Q. In future I am thinking to increase paid-up capital of my company is it possible? A Yes, you can increase but subject to the compliance of the requirement of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Q. What are the requirements for a foreign company opening a branch in Pakistan? A. Foreign company can establish a principal place of business in Pakistan after complying with the legal requirements laid down under section 452 to 460 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Q. Can I change my company name after incorporation? A. Yes, a company name can be changed any time after the incorporation, by passing a special resolution by the members and certificate of change of name is issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan in whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated. Q. I do not live in Pakistan Can I still set up a new company? A. Yes, you can set up a company. If a Chief Executive/director resides outside Pakistan for more than three months then he can appoint an alternative director in his place. Q. Can I choose any name I want for my new company? A. You can choose any name but subject to the approval of the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Q. What are non-profit companies? A. Non-profit companies are generally formed with the objective of promoting art, science, social services, etc. and the members are prohibited from receiving any dividend. Such companies are exempted from the requirements of using the word “limited” at the end of the name and are authorized to operate under a license issued by the regulator. Q. Are there any restrictions on foreigners who wish to do business in Pakistan? A. There is no restriction on foreigners to do business in Pakistan. Q. Do foreigners need a Pakistani national to form a company? A. Foreigner can form a company with 100% equity subject to the approval of Board of Investment, Government of Pakistan otherwise they must have someone from Pakistan to be a director. Q. Does a company needs separate National Tax Number? A. Yes, every company is assigned a national tax number without it a company cannot file its return. Documents which company requires for national tax number are photocopies of computer national identity card of all the directors or passport (in case of foreigner), incorporation certificate and application for national tax number by individual director in case they do not have national tax number. Q. What are taxation rates for companies in the Pakistan? A. The income tax payable by the companies in Pakistan is approximately 35% of the net profit of the company. Q. Is it necessary to form a company or a partnership firm to start a business in Pakistan? A. No, it is not necessary to form a company or a partnership firm to start a business in Pakistan. Q. Can anyone be a Director in a company? A. Yes anyone can be a company director provided he holds Computer National Identity Card and he or she is not debarred from any competent court of law to become a director. Q. What does Limited Liability mean? A. Limited liability means, that if a company is put into liquidation, the people who own the company will only be required to pay what they have already paid or agreed to pay towards settling its debts. Limited liability gives the owners of the company protection if the company fails. Liability of directors/members is limited to the extent of shares held by them in the company. Q. What if I no longer need my company in Pakistan? A. If you decide that you do not need a company that you have set up, you should consider putting it into voluntary liquidation if the company is solvent and is in a position to pay its liabilities within twelve months from the date of winding up, if the company cannot afford this and is insolvent then you may apply for its compulsory liquidation through court or to apply for it to be “struck off the register” if the company has no assets and liabilities. Q. What are modes of Winding up a Company in Pakistan? A. According to Companies Ordinance, 1984 modes of winding up of a company are by the Court, voluntary winding up or winding up subject to the supervision of Court and creditors winding-up. Q. What is meant by Registered Office? A Registered office is the official address of your company where the correspondence can be exchanged between the company and his clients. Q. Can I change my registered office address from Karachi to Lahore? A. A company can change the place of its registered office from province to province and from place to place in the same province. When a company intends to shift its registered office from one province to another it must pass a special resolution, obtain confirmation of the change from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, file a certified copy of authority’s order together with the altered memorandum with the registrar of both the provinces, notice of new location shall also be given to the registrar and every copy of memorandum and articles of association shall be amended accordingly. The office of a company may be removed from one place to another within the same province by a special resolution and a notice to the registrar. Q. What is meaning by unregistered company? A. Unregistered company means a company, which is not incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Q. Can a Private Limited Company be converted into Public Limited Company? A. Yes, a private company may convert its status into public limited company by altering its Articles of Association. Q. Can a Public Limited Company be converted into Private Limited Company? A. Yes a public limited company can be converted into private limited company subject to the approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Q. Can I convert my Private Limited Company into Single Member Company? A. Yes, a private company can be converted into a single member company by passing a special resolution for change of its status and make necessary alteration in its articles of association and obtain approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Q. Can Single Member Company be converted into Private Limited Company? Q. Can minor be a director in Private Limited Company? A. No, minor cannot become a director in private or public limited company. Q. Can director of a company hold government post? A. No, director cannot hold any office of profit. Q. What are the requirements after establishment of place of business by foreign companies in Islamic Republic of Pakistan? A. As per Companies Ordinance, 1984 Foreign Company incorporated outside Pakistan, is required to file the following documents to the registrar securities and exchange commission of Pakistan concerned within 30 days from the establishment of its place of business in Pakistan; A certified copy of the charter, statute or Memorandum and Articles of the company accompanied by Form 38. The certification is to be given by:- (a) the public officer in the country where the company is incorporated to whose custody the original is committed or (b) a notary public of the country where the company is incorporated; or (c) an affidavit of a responsible officer of the company in the country where the company is incorporated. The signature or seal of the person so certifying shall be authenticated by a Pakistani diplomatic consular or consulate officer. If the document is not in English, duly certified translation in English or Urdu language is provided - Address of registered office or principal office of the company, on Form 39; Q. What are Additional Directors? A. Additional directors are those directors who are not required to acquire a share qualification of a director, as they are the nominees of the financial institution who extended the credit facilities to the companies. Q. Can a body corporate be appointed as a director of a company? A. No. A body corporate, association or firm cannot be appointed as a director of a company, and only an individual can be appointed as a director of a company as nominee. Q. How Chief Executive is appointed in a company? A. All companies are required to appoint a Chief Executive Officer except for a company managed by a managing agent. The first Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the directors of the company at the date of commencement of business or within 15 days from the date of incorporation, whichever is earlier and thereafter within 14 days of the date of election of directors. Q. What happens if accounts and annual returns of a company not filed in time? A. Failure to deliver documents on time is an offence under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. On this failure, directors could be prosecuted and penalized. Q. Can share holders in a Private Limited Company removes a director? A. Yes, shares holders can remove a director by passing a resolution in a general meeting. Q. Are shares in a company are transferable? A. Shares in a company are freely transferable, subject to certain conditions, such that no shareholder is permanently or necessarily wedded to a company. When a member transfers his shares to another person, the transferee steps into the shoes of the transferor and acquires all the rights of the transferor in respect of those shares. Q. Can a company delegate his powers to any person? A. Yes. A company may by writing under its common seal, empower any person either generally or in respect of any specified matters as its attorney, to execute deeds on its behalf in any place either in or outside Pakistan and every deeds signed by such attorney on behalf of company and under his seal, where sealing is required shall bind the company and have the same effect as if it were under its common seal. Disclaimer: The information available above is not intended to be comprehensive, and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. Accordingly, it should not be regarded as being complete source of company law information, and web users are advised to seek independent professional advice before acting on anything contained herein. Mumtaz & Associates will not take any kind of responsibility for the consequences of errors or omissions. Foreign Company Registration in Pakistan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Foreign Company Law in Pakistan. Q. What is meant by Foreign Company? A. Foreign Company is a company registered outside Pakistan, under a foreign law other than Pakistani law and establishes its place of business in Pakistan. Q. Is registration of foreign company is mandatory with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan? A. Yes, registration of a foreign company with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan is mandatory. Q. Is a foreign company required to obtain any other permission from any other organization for opening and maintaining of its branch/liaison office in Pakistan? A. A foreign company desirous of setting up a branch or liaison office is required to obtain permission from the Board ofInvestment, Government of Pakistan. Q. For how long Board of Investment grants permission to open a branch/liaison office of foreign company in Islamic Republic of Pakistan? A. The permission for opening of branch/liaison office is granted by the Board of Investment for an initial period of three to five years. Copy of such permission letter is required to be furnished with the documents meant for registration of a foreign company. Q. After expiry does branch/liaison need permission again from Board of Investment? A. Yes, after expiry renewal/extension of the permission to open/maintain a branch/liaison office is also required to be obtained from the Board of Investment on the expiry of the validity period of the permission originally granted. Whenever such renewal/extension is granted, a copy must be furnished to the Registrar SECP concerned. Further extension is granted after reviewing the performance of the entity during the initial period. Q. Can a foreign company adopt any name it likes or if there are any restrictions? A. Foreign Company can establish a principal place of business in Pakistan in the name of the company registered in the country of origin. Q. Memorandum and Articles of Association of a foreign company, is in language other than English will Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan will accept them? Q. Within how many days foreign company is required to deliver requisite documents to the Registrar Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan? Q. What type of certification is required for the documents constituting or defining the constitution of a foreign company? A. As per Rule 22 of Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules, 1985 a copy of any charter, statute, memorandum, articles or other instrument, constituting or defining the constitution of a foreign company is required to be duly certified by:- • the public officer in the country where the company is incorporated to whose custody the original is committed; or • a Notary Public of the country where the company is incorporated; or • an affidavit of a responsible officer of the company in the country where the company is incorporated. The signature and seal of the official referred above or the certificate of the Notary Public referred above shall be authenticated by a Pakistani diplomatic consular or consulate officer. Q. Whether a foreign company is required to file any document to the registrar concerned on change or alteration therein? A. Yes, foreign company is required to notify registrar on any change or alteration of the documents. Q. What is meant by Global Accounts? A. Global accounts are the accounts which a foreign company files with the authorities in country of origin. If a foreign company is not required to file the Accounts in country of origin, it shall prepare Global Accounts and get the same audited for purpose of filing of such accounts under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 like a public company. Q. Are there any statutory obligations for the foreign companies? A. According to Companies Ordinance, 1984 a foreign company is required to comply with the statutory obligations i.e. To maintain at its principal place of business in Pakistan a register of Pakistani members and debenture holders, directors and officers, which shall be open to inspection. In every prospectus inviting subscriptions for its shares or debentures in Pakistan, state the country in which the company is incorporated. Conspicuously exhibit on the outside of every place where it carries on business in Pakistan the name of the company and the country in which the company is incorporated in letters easily legible in English or Urdu characters and also, if any place where it carries on business is beyond the local limits of the ordinary civil jurisdiction of a High Court, in the characters of one of the vernacular language used in that place. Cause the name of the company and of the country in which the company is incorporated mentioned in legible English or Urdu characters in all bill-heads and letter papers, and in all notices, advertisements, documents and other official publication of the company. If the liability of the members of the company is limited, cause notice of that fact to be stated in legible English or Urdu characters in every prospectus inviting subscription for its shares, all letter papers, bill heads, notices, advertisements, and other official publications of the company in Pakistan, and to be exhibited on the outside of every place where it carries on business in Pakistan. Q. Is there any exclusion to foreign companies to deliver accounts? A. No there is no exclusion, all foreign companies must deliver accounts in Pakistan, and accounts would be prepared and adjusted like a public company. Q. Are provisions of Companies Ordinance 1984 for registration of mortgage and charges are also applicable to foreign companies? A. Yes, all the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984, as applicable to other companies, relating to the registration of mortgage and charges are also applicable to a foreign company. Q. Does books of account to be kept by a foreign company? A. According to section 230 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 every company shall keep at its registered office proper books of account, the provisions of the said section also apply to the foreign companies. Q. Do a foreign company need to intimate registrar before closure of its business in Pakistan? A. Any foreign company at least thirty days before it intends to cease to have any place of business in Pakistan give a notice of intention to the concerned registrar and publish a notice of such intention at least in two daily newspapers circulating in the Province or Provinces in which such place or places of business are situate. As from the date of intention to cease to have any place of business in Pakistan stated in the notice, unless the said date is by a similar notice altered, the obligation of the company to deliver any document to the registrar shall cease, provided it has no other place of business in Pakistan. Q. If a foreign company having an established place of business in Pakistan goes into liquidation in the country of origin then what procedure is to be adopted in Pakistan? A. If a foreign company having an established place of business in Pakistan goes into liquidation in the country of itsincorporation then it shall within thirty days give notice thereof to the registrar, and simultaneously publish a notice at least in two daily newspapers circulating in the Province or Provinces in which its place or places of business are situated and furnish to the registrar within thirty days of the conclusion of the liquidation proceedings all returns relating to the liquidation and the liquidation account in respect of such portion of the company’s affairs as relates to its business in Pakistan. Publish a statement on every invoice, order, bill-head, letter paper, notice of other publication in Pakistan that the company is being wound up in the country of its incorporation. Where a company has been dissolved, ceased then no person shall after the date of such dissolution or cessation, carry on, or purport to carry on , any business in Pakistan in the name or on behalf of such company. Q. If a foreign company in Pakistan fails to comply with provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984 is there any penalty? A. If any foreign company fails to comply with any of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 then, the company and every officer or agent of the company who knowingly or willfully authorizes or permits the default, shall be liable to fine. Q. Are foreign companies are required to be registered with tax authorities in Pakistan? A. Yes, Liaison/Branch office is required to be registered with the Tax Authorities in Pakistan. Please contact Mumtaz & Associates law firm for further details & professional business & legal consulting. Mumtaz & Associates provides services in Company Incorporation in Pakistan, Establishment of Branch/Liaison office in Pakistan, Drafting Contracts in Pakistan, Buy-Sell Agreements in Pakistan, Shareholder Agreements in Pakistan, Corporate and Shareholders Disputes in Pakistan, Corporate Restructuring and Reconstruction in Pakistan, Company Negligence in Pakistan, Company Dissolution or Liquidation in Pakistan, Purchase of Commercial Real Estate in Pakistan, Contract Disputes in Pakistan, Employment Contracts in Pakistan, Foreign Collaboration and Joint Ventures in Pakistan, Mergers and Acquisitions. Disclaimer: The information available above is not intended to be comprehensive, and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. Accordingly, it should not be regarded as being complete source of foreign company law information. Web users are advised to seek independent professional advice before acting on anything contained herein. Mumtaz & Associates will not take any kind of responsibility for the consequences along with errors or omissions. Copyright Registration & Infringement Disclaimer: This site and any information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Q. What law regulates Copyright laws in Islamic Republic of Pakistan? Q. Who is the first owner of copyright as per copyright laws? Q. Is copyright registration necessary for protection in Pakistan? Q. Are computer software programs protected by copyright law in Pakistan? Q. I am writing for a company, who owns the copyright, me or my company? Q. Can I copy or use text from another website on mine; do I need to give citation, any infringement? Q. Someone infringed my copyright. What can I do? Q. What is the duration of Copyright? Q. What is meant by plagiarism? Q. Someone copied my website, how can I protect my website? Q. If something like website, book etc. doesn’t have a copyright notice can it be copied? Q. Can I copyright my website? Q. Who owns a copyright in a movie and song? Q. I am translating a book from English into Urdu? Do I need permission from author or publisher? Q. What is a copyright license agreement? Q. I found an image on “Google Images” can I use it? Q. After author’s death how will the right of inheritance will be transferred as regard to copyright? Q. When copyright infringed? Q. I bought a book protected by copyright, am I free to make copies as I wish? Q. When can I use a work under an exception to copyright or what acts which do not constitute infringement? Q. According to Copyright Ordinance what are the civil remedies for copyright infringement? Q. What are the remedies for infringement of copyright? Q. Copyright offence committed by a company, who will be responsible? Q. What are the offences and penalties for infringement of Copyright law in Pakistan?
© Copyright 2011 Mumtaz & Associates. All Rights Reserved. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Dishonour of Cheque in Pakistan: Q. What are the conditions that make dishonouring of a cheque an offence in Pakistan? Q. In what circumstances dishonouring of cheque is not an offence in Pakistan? Q. What is the penalty for dishonouring of a cheque in Pakistan? Q. What can I do when a cheque is dishonoured for the reason of insufficient funds? What legal action I can take to get the amount cleared? Q. I have got my cheque dishonoured which was issued by a company, is there any remedy to recover my amount? Presumption is we cannot lodge F.I.R. against a company. A. After getting him declared as proclaimed offender you should ask the court to proceed in the matter and get all your evidence recorded, this will help you when he will be arrested and if at that time for some reason or the other witnesses are not available court can proceed with the matter on the basis of the evidence earlier recorded in his absence. Simultaneously, on his last known address you can also file suit for recovery in the civil court. Q. I have a cheque dishonoured, now where to lodge an F.I.R.? The place of the bank where the cheque was dishonoured or the place where the cheque was handed? Q. A partnership firm gave a cheque to me, cheque was presented which was dishonoued. Now they closed the partnership firm and dissolved it. My question is can still I have any remedy? Q. We are three partners in a firm, two of partners are active and they are running the business and taking care of day to day affairs of the firm. My position is only as a sleeping partner. Cheques are signed and issued by the two working partners. In case a cheque bounces and legal action takes place under section 489-F Pakistan Penal Code are all the partners are liable or only those who have signed the cheque? Q. What about offence by companies in Pakistan? Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on cheque bouncing, recovery of debt, recovery of money, legal notice for cheque dishnonour, lodging of First Information Report (F.I.R.) and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. Disclaimer: This site and any information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. © Copyright 2011 by Mumtaz & Associates. All rights reserved. When husband and wife cannot live happily together within the limits prescribed by Almighty Allah then they can dissolve their marriage through divorce or khula. The husband can pronounce divorce and wife can file a suit for dissolution of marriage and can also pronounce Talaq, if such right has been conferred upon her. Every divorce or khula case has its own facts, circumstances, drawbacks, challenges and solutions. We recognize that your case is not just unique, but also critically important to you. At Mumtaz & Associates you will find the help, assistance and attention to bring about the change you need according to the Family Laws of Pakistan. Q: In Pakistan what are the terms used to identify the parties in a divorce proceeding? Q: What are the ways marriage can be dissolved in Pakistan? Q. What is meant by “Khula”? Q. What grounds are available to a wife to get Divorce according to Laws of Pakistan? Whereabouts of the husband not known for four years; Husband has neglected or failed to provide maintenance; Husband has sentenced to imprisonment for a period of seven years or upwards; Husband failed to perform marital obligations for a period of three years; Husband was impotent at the time of marriage; Husband has been insane for two years; She was married when she was minor; Husband treats with cruelty; Leads an infamous life; Attempts to force her immoral life; Venereal disease; Incurable form of leprosy; Disposes of her property; Obstructs her in observance of her religious practice; If she cannot live with the husband within the limitation imposed by the Almighty Allah. Beside above, there are also other grounds available to wife for the dissolution of marriages under Muslim Law. Q. What is the procedure to obtain “Khula” (dissolution of marriage) in Pakistan? Q. After obtaining khula decree from the court is dissolution of marriage is complete? Q: Can a wife be delegated right of pronouncement of divorce? Q: How would I know where my divorce case will be filed in Pakistan? Q. Whether overseas Pakistanis wives can get divorce in Pakistan via online? Q: Can overseas Pakistani file for divorce without coming to Pakistan? Q: What is the law for custody of children for divorcing couples in Pakistan? Q. What are the rights of wife to property after divorce has taken place in Pakistan? Q. What is the procedure husband should adopt to give divorce to his wife in Pakistan? Q. Can husband and wife dissolve their marriage through mutual consent? Q: Whereabouts of my husband are not known for a long time can I end my marriage? Q: Notice of Talaq sent through Chairman Union Council can it be revoked? Q: How do I protect myself from harassment by my spouse and his or her family members? Q: I have applied for a divorce, is it safe now to go for new marriage? Mumtaz & Associates provide services and consultancy on matrimonial and family dispute resolution; divorce agreement preparation; advice on divorce in Pakistan; divorce for overseas Pakistanis; khula for overseas Pakistani’s; court marriage; registration of marriages; polygamous marriages; failure to give talaq notice; division and settlement of matrimonial issues; re-marriage issues. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. Illegal Occupation of Property The said information is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice because factual circumstances are different in each case. Detailed legal research is necessary to resolve any dispute or before giving any formal opinion. Disputes between individuals over title-to or possession-of immovable property, and illegal or forcible dispossession of a rightful owner are not unusual in Pakistan, wherein a class of persons called property grabbers, qabza group or land mafia are acting with nefarious objectives to illegally or forcibly take possession of immovable properties belonging to others. Their easiest victims are overseas Pakistanis or non-resident Pakistanis who have substantial investments in residential and commercial real estate in Pakistan. Innocent owners’ faces tremendous hardship when it comes to getting property vacated in Pakistan from tenants or unauthorized occupiers known as qabza group, property grabbers or land mafia. Their properties are often grabbed by others, including relatives, and they have almost no redressal and are helpless. They run from pillar to post to get relief but in vain. To curb the said practice, in the year 2005, the Illegal Dispossession Act was promulgated to protect the lawful owners and occupiers of immovable properties from illegal or forcible dispossession. The said law applies to dispossession from immovable property by the property grabbers, qabza group and land mafia with punishment. Aim of the law is to discourage the property grabbers, qabza group or land mafia and provide speedy relief to the aggrieved persons. Q: What is the name of law to curb the activities of the property grabbers? Q: What is the purpose of Illegal Dispossession Act, 2005? Q: If anyone disposes lawful owner from his property is there any punishment for him? Q: Whether the Illegal Dispossession law is more efficacious law? Q: Usually in property disputes parties file civil suits, but in case of property grabbers what to do? Q: I am having dispute over a house of our ancestral my relative got possession of it, can I lodge a complaint under the Illegal Dispossession Act, 2005 in Session Court? Contact Mumtaz & Associates for further professional legal consulting and advice. Landlord and Tenant Law in Punjab NOTE: Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009 is ONLY applicable to the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The purpose of under mentioned brief is to provide landlords and tenants in Punjab with information about their responsibilities and legal rights especially for overseas Pakistanis who want to rent out their residential and commercial properties. The said information is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice because factual circumstances are different in each case, detailed legal research is necessary to resolve any dispute or giving any opinion. Q: Which law deals for regulating relationship between landlord and tenant in respect of rented premises in the province of Punjab, Pakistan? Q: Whether the Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009 is applicable to commercial premises also? Q: Is Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009 is also applicable in Cantonment areas? Q: Is agricultural land also covered in Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009? Q: Is agreement in writing necessary to create the relationship of landlord and tenant? Q: What is tenancy agreement? Q: How is tenancy agreement made? Q: Who is responsible for registration of the tenancy agreement before Rent Registrar? Q: What happens if tenancy agreement is not registered in the office of Rent Registrar? Q: What are the provisions for rent increment in The Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009? Q: What is the mode of payment of rent? Q: What if mode of payment is not mentioned in the tenancy agreement? Q: How does the eviction of tenant takes place according to Punjab Rented Premises Act, 2009? Q: What is subletting? Can a tenant without consent of landlord sublet rented premises? Q: Can a lease be terminated before an agreed time period? Q: Who will pay taxes on the property, landlord or tenant? Q: Can landlord and tenant freely agree to determine any rent or the law fixes any particular amount of rent? Q: What can a tenant do if a landlord refuses to return his security? Q: Can I make rent agreement for more than 11 months or is it compulsory to make agreement for less than 11 months. Q: My lease /rent agreement has been expired, now tenant has been overstaying. The agreement was not renewed; tenant now refuses to vacate my house. What legal action can be taken? Q: Can a landlord get his property vacated from a tenant, by filing a petition, when there is no written agreement of tenancy between landlord and tenant? Q: If a tenant wants to improve the landlord’s premises, can he do so and will he end up paying more rent because of improvements made by him? Q: Is a verbal tenancy agreement legal? Q: Do tenancy agreements need to be witnessed? Mumtaz & Associates provides services in: Resolving dispute between landlord and tenant; Drafting and negotiating commercial leases for offices, shops and industrial projects; Residential and Commercial Transactions; Advising overseas or nonresident Pakistanis on preventive measures they can take for their property; Landlord/Tenant litigation; Property Management Services; Deed for modification of the terms of lease; Business Lease renewals and terminations; Rent review disputes and all other connected matters. Contact Mumtaz & Associates for further professional legal consulting and advice. Pakistan Property & Real Estate Law Following are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Property and Real Estate in Pakistan. For property & real estate legal advise & consulting, please visit our Pakistan Property & Real Estate Laws page. Q. What is Aks-Shajra? A. Aks-Shajra means image of a specific piece of land/specific khasra number from the map/plan of an estate or village defining its boundaries. Q. What is meant by Fard Malkiat? A. Fard Malkiat also known as (Record of Rights/ Jama Bandi/Misal Haquiat/ Register Haqdaran-e-Zameen) maintained for determination/record of various types of rights in the immovable property. Q. What is Mutation (Intiqal)? A. Mutation is a document containing an order by a revenue officer; who must be at least an Assistant Collector of grade III, whereby an entry in the record of rights is to be altered, changed or mutated in revenue record. Q. What is meant by Tattima Registry? A. Tattima means “supplementary” and Tattima Registry means supplementary sale deed in specified area. Q. What is meant by Khasra? A. Khasra is a piece of land with specific measurements and a specific number. Q. What is Khasra Garrdwari? A. Register Kharsa Gardwari is a register maintained for record of possession/cultivation. Q. What is meant by Survey? A. A drawing or map showing the precise legal boundaries of a property, the location of improvements, easements, rights of way, encroachments, and other physical features. Q. Is mutation is a title document? A. No, mutation is not a title document. Q. What is the name of the document, which creates title in immovable property? A. Register Sale Deed (Registry /Baye-Nama) is a document, which creates a title in the immovable property. Q. What is meant by Conveyance Deed or Sale Deed? A. Conveyance Deed or Sale Deed is a deed document by which the title of property is conveyed by the seller to the purchaser. Conveyance is the act of transferring ownership of the property from a seller to the buyer. Deed document will help you ascertain whether the property, which you are buying, is on land belonging to any development authority, society, builder in which the property is located, whichever the case may be. Q. From where I can obtain my house documents or title deeds of my property? A. You can obtain your house documents or title deed documents from office/department by which title of the house was conferred or transferred. Q. What laws generally deal with real estate in Pakistan? A. Among the laws, which deal with real estate in Pakistan, are The Transfer of Property Act, 1882, Land Revenue Act, 1967, Stamp Act, 1899 and Registration Act, 1908. Q. What safety precautions should I take before buying property or real estate in Pakistan? A. Before buying property in Pakistan a complete and thorough probe in respect of title of the seller to the real estate must be carried out. A general practice is to investigate title of the current seller and any previous owner. Original title document in favor of the vendor must be obtained along with other relevant documents including mutation in favor of the vendor, a fresh copy of fard, aks shajra and no-objection certificate or non-encumbrance certificate as the case may be. If the vendor is selling the property in the capacity of an attorney of the owner then it must be ensured that the power of attorney is duly registered with the relevant sub-registrar. A holder of a forged and fabricated power of attorney is not at all able to transfer a valid title in an immovable property to a third party. Q. In name of a Company, property is registered before purchasing it, what documents should I inspect? A. Before purchasing property from a company you should verify from the Registrar of Companies at Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan that the property is not mortgaged or is not being used as a security against a loan, otherwise it will not be considered as a freehold property. In addition, check memorandum of association that who is authorized to act on behalf of company for selling the property, if resolution is required then the same must be passed and verified. Further, inspect original title documents from the selling company. Q. Can corporate bodies use residential properties as office space? A. It is illegal to put residential properties to commercial use. However, service-based industries are allowed to operate from residential areas. Q. Can foreigners buy Property in Pakistan? A. Yes, foreigners can buy property in Pakistan but after completing all legal formalities. Q. What inheritance laws apply in Pakistan? A. Inheritance laws in Pakistan depend on religious affinities, Muslim Personal Laws for the Muslims and persons other than Muslims their personal laws. Q. Is transfer of every immovable Property needs registration in Pakistan? A. Transfer in the case of immovable property of the value of Rs 100/- and upwards only be made by a registered sale deed. Q. An overseas Pakistani without visiting Pakistan can buy Property? A. Yes, without coming to Pakistan an overseas Pakistani can buy property in Pakistan. Q. What are the documents required to legally own a house? A. Any deed verifying transfer in your favour i.e. sale deed, allotment letter and sale certificate. Q. How do I own a house? A. You can own house by purchasing from a private person, private builder, by allotment or purchase from public authority i.e. any development authority (LDA, CDA, FDA, MDA etc.) and by becoming member of any co-operative housing society. Q. What is Power of Attorney? A. Power of Attorney is the power given to an agent by the principal to execute several acts and deeds for and on behalf of the principal. A power of attorney may also be given by a person to another to appear before any Court, Tribunal and Authority, buy sell, maintain real estate etc. When power is given in respect of a number of acts in a number of transactions, it is called General Power of Attorney and when power is given in respect of a particular act pertaining to one transaction; it is called Special Power of Attorney. General Power of Attorney must be registered. Q. Person holding Power of Attorney can transfer property in his name? A. No. The person who is holding Power of Attorney has a fiduciary duty to act in your interest and try to do what you would do for yourself if you were able. Third parties will presume the person is acting on your behalf. Q. Can I revoke my Power of Attorney? A. Yes. Q. When would a Power of Attorney gets cancelled? A. Power of Attorney automatically gets cancelled on the death of Executants’ and when get cancelled by the Executants’. Q. Is my Power of Attorney effective after I die? A. No, Power of Attorney will ends upon your death. Q. I am going to buy a flat in a building under construction, what are the papers should I check? A. Check approved plan of the building along with the number of floors; ensure that the floor that you are buying is approved. Check if the land on which the builder is building is his or he has undertaken an agreement with a landlord. If so, check the title of the land ownership. Check the building byelaws as applicable in that area and ensure that the building is without any violation of front setback, side setbacks, height, etc. Check specifications given in the agreement to sell and that given in the brochure and see if he is providing the same actually on the ground or not. If the builder is a company incorporated with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, it may be checked that the company is allowed to do the business of sale and purchase of real estate. Q. Can immovable property be sold while it is mortgaged? A. No, immovable property cannot be sold. Q. What are important documents one should check before buying any property? A. Check approved layout plan, approved building plan, ownership documents, ask for all the deeds of title related to the property to be purchased, examine the deeds, ascertain the survey number, check previous encumbrances and loans, if any, on the property, request vendor(seller) to obtain, if applicable, consent permission, sanction, no objection certificate of various authorities, tax receipts and bills, measure the land etc. Q. What is stamp duty and who is liable to pay the stamp duty, the buyer or seller? A. Stamp duty is a fee/tax levied by the government on transfer of property and must be paid in full and on time. A stamp paid document considered proper and legal document. The liability of paying stamp duty is that of the buyer unless there is any commitment to the contrary. Q. How to get approved building plan and why it is necessary. Raising construction without having a building plan approved from the concerned agency is a violation of rules of the concerned Building Control Authority and can lead to demolition of construction. Therefore, for all practical purposes i.e. before raising construction approval for the same is mandatory.
A. In Pakistan land records are maintained by district administration revenue department for deciding ownership and boundaries of land or property. Q. I am a co-sharer in a property can I sell the said property? A. Yes, you can sell the property but only to the extent of your share in the property and without specific boundaries unless consented expressly by the other co-sharer or co-sharers. Q. Whether a sale deed drafted by a Wasiqa Nawees/Arzi Nawees is reliable? A. No, sale deed must be drafted by a lawyer having knowledge of the relevant laws regarding transfer of property. Q. What are essentials of Gift? A. Essentials of gift are 1. Offer by the Donor (owner) 2. Acceptance by the Donee (to whom gift is being made) and 3. Delivery of possession. Q. Can gift be revoked? A. Yes, gift can be revoked except if made in favor of a person who falls in prohibited degree i.e. a person with whom marriage cannot be contacted. Q. What are distinguishing features of gift from those of will? A. Gift always can be made in the lifetime and it become effective at the very moment when it is complete, whereas will only can take effect after death of its maker. Other distinguishing feature is that an owner of property can make gift of his entire property in favor of a legal heir of him/her in his life time but he cannot make a will whereby the whole property is intended to be given to one legal heir. He/she can make will to the extent of 1/3rd of his/her holding in favor of any who is not legal heir and if made in favor of a legal heir then requires agreement/consent of other legal heirs. DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. For competent & detailed legal advice please contact us. Partnership Business Registration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Partnership Law in Pakistan: Q. What is the definition of partnership under Partnership Act, 1932? Q. What are the rules framed under Partnership Act, 1932? Q. Is registration of partnership compulsory? Q. Is a written partnership agreement required for partnership? Q. What are different types of partnerships? Q. What is a Partnership Deed or Partnership Agreement? Q. What is deed of dissolution? Q. Is deed of dissolution should be registered? Q. What is the difference between dissolution of partnership and dissolution of firm? Q. What is meant by firm? Q. What is meant by dissolution of firm? Q. How a firm can be dissolved? Q. Who can be a partner in a firm? Q. Is it necessary to form a company or a partnership firm to start a new business? Q. Are partners personally liable for business debts? Q. What happens if the number of partners falls below two? Q. What is maximum number of partners in a firm? Q. Can I give any name to my partnership firm? Q. Can a company be a partner? Q. How a partner in a firm is retired? Q. What are the general duties of partners? Q. How partners are taxed? Q. Can a foreigner be a partner in firm? Q. Is goodwill of a firm included in its assets? Q. We want to sell goodwill of our firm but confused how we will share the price? Q. What is meant by Association of Persons (AOP)? Q. How “association of person” is different from “associated person”? Q. How to wind up an association of persons? Q. We got registered a partnership firm do I need National Tax Number for our firm? Q. Who has the authority to register partnership firm? Q. Can a firm become partner of another firm? Q. What to include in Partnership agreement or Partnership Deed? Q. My partner wants to open a bank account in his own name not in name of firm, can he? Q. I am living in UK and invested huge amount as a sleeping partner in a firm, for some time received profit regularly but then stopped. Now the said firm is playing delaying tactics as I forced then they issued me cheques which were dishonored. Can you advise me what remedies do I have to get my money back as per Pakistan law? Q. We are four partners in a firm one of partner did fraud with third party for his act is firm liable? Q. One of our partners is going to retire, can we continue the partnership? Q. One of our partner in a firm is going to retire do he need to give public notice? Q. Without giving public notice can a partner retire from partnership/firm? Q. There is no partnership agreement how partners should share the profit? Q. In our firm one of partner wants to introduce a new partner can I stop him? Q. Can a partner on his own submit a dispute relating to the business of the firm to arbitration? Q. Can I register my firm’s name as trademark? Q. Is suit filed by un-registered firm is maintainable? Q. I am entering into partnership business with my friend already there firm is working for many years I will be introduced as a new partner. My question is will I be liable for any debts which are on the firm before I entered? Q. Is partnership law is different from province to province in Pakistan? Q. Do I need permission to conduct business in Karachi when I already registered my firm in Lahore? Q. My partner is taking too high of a salary. What can I do in accordance with law? Q. Are all partners in a partnership are personally liable? You may contact Mumtaz & Associates if you need any legal advise related to Partnerships. Disclaimer: The information available above is not intended to be comprehensive, and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. Accordingly, it should not be regarded as being complete source of partnership law information, and web users are advised to seek independent professional advice before acting on anything contained herein. Mumtaz & Associates will not take any kind of responsibility for the consequences of errors or omissions. Q. What is Power of Attorney? Q. What is the difference between “General Power of Attorney” and “Special Power of Attorney”? Q. When would a General Power of Attorney gets cancelled? Q. Is photocopy of power of attorney is as authentic as original? Q. Can I appoint more than one person as Attorney through a single deed in Power of Attorney? Q. Two attorneys were appointed to act jointly, one dies, can the other act alone? Q. Does a Power of Attorney require attestation by witnesses? Q. Can an attorney be fired? Q. Can an Attorney is compensated for his/her work? Q. Can an attorney be held liable for his/her actions? Q. My uncle is mentally incapacitated; can he create a Power of Attorney? Q. How do I select an agent for a Power of Attorney? Q. Can a company (private or public limited) grant Power of Attorney? Q. What are the precautions one must take when giving a general power of attorney? Q. I gave a Power of Attorney to my relative, can I still make any decision for myself? Q. Is attorney answerable to Principal? Q. What does Irrevocable Power of Attorney mean? Q. Can all Power of Attorneys be revoked? Mumtaz & Associates provides services in: Registration of Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting General Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting Power of Attorney for partnership firm in Pakistan, Drafting General Power of Attorney for a company to its agent in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney in Tax proceedings in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney to execute sale deed in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney to present documents for registration in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney for executing a sale deed and for getting the same registered in Pakistan, Drafting of Special Power of Attorney in favour of two persons to execute sale deed in Pakistan, Drafting of Power of Attorney for a court case in Pakistan, Replacement of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting of Revocation of the Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Drafting of Irrevocable Power of Attorney in Pakistan, Power of Attorney for sale of property in Pakistan, Abuse of Power of Attorney in Pakistan. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice regarding Power of Attorney. © Copyright 2011 by Mumtaz & Associates. All rights reserved. Frequently Asked Questions on Single Member Company in Pakistan: Q. Can Single Member Company be converted into private company? Q. Can single member company issue shares to public? Q. Can sole director in single member company act as secretary? Q. I want to wind up single member company what procedure to follow? Q. Is it mandatory in single member company to appoint nominee director? Q. What is the pattern and style of the name of a single member company? Q. Can single member company increase its share capital? Q. Can one person be the sole director in a non-profit company incorporated under section 42 of the Company law in Pakistan? Q. Do single member companies have to keep accounting records? Q. Can foreigner incorporate a single member company under company’s law in Pakistan? Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on registration of Single-Member Company and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. Succession Certificate & Suit for Declaration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Succession Certificate & Suit for Declaration: Q. What is meant by succession certificate? Q. Is Succession Act, 1925 applicable to whole of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? Q. What are the legal requirements to obtain succession certificate in Pakistan? Q. Is security bond is required by the court before issuance of succession certificate? Q. What procedure should legal heir/s adopt to get possession of money in the bank of deceased in Pakistan? Q. How long should it take to obtain the Succession certificate from the court? Q. Is there any time limit within which succession certificate must be obtained? Q. Is succession certificate necessary as I am the only child of my deceased parents? Q. If a shareholder who held shares in his sole name dies how his legal heir/s can get the shares transmitted in their names? Q. Can court grant more than one succession certificate to the same legal heir/s? Q. On what grounds succession certificate can be cancelled /revoked in Pakistan? Q. For movable property we need to obtain succession certificate, for immovable property what should we need? Q. For substitution of name/s of legal heir/s of deceased person in the record of ownership/proprietorship what we need? Q. Under what law we file suit for declaration in Pakistan? Q. What are the legal requirements for filing Suit for Declaration? Q. What is the estimated time for getting decree in declaration suit? Q. Can names of the legal heirs be substituted in the relevant records kept or maintained by the concerned departments? Q. Is there any time limit for applying to a court for a decree of declaration of legal heirs? Q: Where the Application has to be made? You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consulting & advice. DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Trademark Registration & Infringement Disclaimer: This site and any information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Q. What is the law that regulates trademarks in Pakistan? Q. What is Trademark? Q. What is the difference between trade name and trade mark? Q. My company’s name is Syed Bhais (Pvt.) Limited incorporated with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan, is the company’s name will automatically be protected as a trademark? Q. What is meant by Coined word? Q. Who is authorized to apply for trademark registration? Q. Is it compulsory to register a company’s trademark? Q. What is a trademark/brand name search? Is it necessary to conduct search before applying for registration? Q. For how long registered trademark is protected or what is the duration of registration? Q. What are service marks? Q. What are collective marks? Q. What are certification marks? Q. Are advertising slogans can be registered as trademark? Q. Can I licencse my trademark to other enterprises? Q. Can I sell trademark of my company to another company? Q. If an individual or business enterprise portrays their trademark is registered while in reality it is not, is this an offense? Q. What is the penalty for applying false trade description? Q. For my business should I start using the mark after filing or must I wait for registration to use the trademark? Q. For many years I am using a mark for my business, still trademark registration is necessary? Q. What is trademark infringement? Q. When a trademark is not infringed? Q. What action is available in case of infringement of trademark? Q. In case of importation of infringing goods, material or articles what remedies are available? Q. I am using trademark since long but not registered are there any rights for unregistered mark? Q. I am not using trademark can it be cancelled on non-use? Q. Whether foreign proprietors, business establishments can apply for registration of their trademark in Pakistan? Q. To which International Trademark Treaties, Pakistan is a signatory? Mumtaz & Associates provides services in: Trade Mark Registration in Pakistan, Brand Name Registration in Pakistan, Logo Registration in Pakistan, Registration of Pharmaceutical Brands in Pakistan, Trademark Search in Pakistan, Trademark Litigation Services in Pakistan, Trademark Monitor Service in Pakistan, Trademark Passing Off cases in Pakistan, Textile and Textile goods in Pakistan, Drafting Trademark License and Franchise Agreements. Contact us for further professional legal consulting & advice. © Copyright 2011 by Mumtaz & Associates. All rights reserved. Family laws in Pakistan may fall under numerous laws e.g. Guardian & Wards Act, Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, etc. Following matters would come under jurisdiction of family laws in Pakistan:
Following forms of business in Pakistan are mainly practiced: a. Non-Registered: Sole Proprietorship Company in Pakistan: A Company in Pakistan is a legal entity formed under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. It can have share capital or can be formed without share capital. Any three or more persons associated for any lawful purpose may, by subscribing their names to a memorandum of association and complying with the requirements of Companies Ordinance, 1984 in respect of registration, form a public company and any one or more persons so associated may, in like manner, form a private company. A company formed under Companies Ordinance, 1984 in Pakistan may be a company with or without limited liability, that is to say, a Company Limited by Shares, a Company Limited by Guarantee and an Unlimited Company Company Limited by Shares in Pakistan: The liabilities of its members in a Company Limited by Shares are limited to the extent of their shares in the paid-up capital of the company. These companies may further be classified as Public Limited Companies and Private Limited Companies. Public Limited Companies in Pakistan can be formed by at least three persons by subscribing their names to the ‘Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. The word ‘Limited’ is used as the last word of its name. Private Limited Companies in Pakistan as above said may be formed by one or more persons by subscribing their names to the ‘Memorandum and Articles of Association’ of the company. If only one member forms a Private Company in Pakistan, it is called a Single Member Company. Company Limited by Guarantee in Pakistan: Company Limited by Guarantee in Pakistan means a company having the liability of its members limited by memorandum to such amounts as the members may respectively undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its winding up. A Company Limited by Guarantee is usually formed on a ‘non profit basis’. Companies Limited by Guarantee in Pakistan use the words “(Guarantee) Limited” as the last words of their names. Unlimited Company in Pakistan: Mumtaz & Associates offers undermentioned services in the field of companies incorporation in Pakistan.
Please Contact Us for further consultation. Criminal Law: Dishonoring of Cheque A dishonoured cheque is one, which when presented is refused payment by the bank because of insufficient funds or because it is not in order, dishonestly issuing a cheque is a criminal offence in Pakistan. Dishonestly issuing a cheque is governed by section 489-F of the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860. The said section reads as follows: 489-F Dishonestly issuing a cheque: Whoever dishonestly issues a cheque towards re-payment of a loan or fulfillment of an obligation which is dishonoured on presentation shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to three years and with fine unless he can establish, for which the burden of proof shall rest on him, that he had made arrangements with his bank to ensure that the cheque would be honoured and that the bank was at fault in not honouring the cheque. The offence under this section is cognizable by police, non-bailable and compoundable. Please note each case has to be seen on its own facts and circumstances. Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on cheque bouncing, recovery of debt, recovery of money, legal notice for cheque dishnonour, lodging of First Information Report (F.I.R.) and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice. NPO & NGO Registration in Pakistan Mumtaz & Associates provides comprehensive legal services to non-profit organizations and associations in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We provide services to businesses, institutions, educational, social, religious, individuals and families seeking to accomplish non-profit objectives. In Pakistan there are numbers of laws for registration of non-profit organizations including the prominent Acts and Ordinances as The Societies Registration Act, 1860, The Trusts Act, 1882, Registration of non-profit Companies under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, The Co-operative Societies Act, 1925, Trade Organisations Ordinance, 2007, Non-Profit Public Benefit Organisations (Governance and Support) Act, 2003, Mussalman Waqf Act, 1923, Charitable Endowments Act, 1923. Mumtaz & Associates offers a broad spectrum of legal services to NPO’s in Pakistan including following:
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Please contact Mumtaz & Associates for advise on which type of NGO / NPO best suites your needs. Under the normal circumstances for the purposes of legal process or to perform the legal duties or to transact in any other manner, person himself and if he is not in a position to do so may authorize anybody to act on his behalf. In first instance the person who gives right to the other to perform duty on his behalf is called “Principal” and the person to whom the authority is given is called “Attorney”. The Principal may authorize the Attorney not to pursue his cases only but also to compromise or settle the matters on his behalf. In these circumstances all the acts performed by the Attorney will be deemed to be performed by the Principal who will be responsible for the acts done by the Attorney as he has done them himself. There are two kinds of Power of Attorneys: General Power of Attorney and Special Power of Attorney. General Power of Attorney means that Attorney may perform more than one job on behalf of the Principal and all his acts will be binding on the Principal as done by him and under his authority. Special Power of Attorney is for only a specific purpose which is explained in that deed of Special Power of Attorney. It is relevant to mention here that power of attorney either General or Special given by the Principal to the Attorney must be in writing and it cannot be given orally. If Power of Attorney is for any immovable property, sale or for mortgage then it should be registered under section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908. Power of Attorney should be attested: All the documents written as a Power of Attorney should be authenticated by a Notary Public, any Court, Judge, Magistrate, Pakistan Consul or Vice-Consul, or representative appointed by the Federal Government, and then it will be presumed correct. Necessary requirements of Power of Attorney: Every Pakistani citizen who is a major, adult and according to law is competent to enter into a contract whether resides in Pakistan or outside Pakistan may authorize any other person through power of attorney to act on his behalf. If power of attorney is executed outside the country then Pakistani Embassy or consulate’s authorized officer will verify it and if the power of attorney relates to transfer of property then it should be registered in Pakistan with the concerned registrar. Power of Attorney in Civil Cases: Civil cases can be pursued through power of attorney i.e. to appear in the court, to move application and to proceed in the matter. In civil cases the Attorney can do each and every act on behalf of the Principal. Service of summons/notices of the court on the Attorney will be presumed to be service on the Principal. For all these matters no court will allow the Attorney to act on behalf of the Principal unless Power of Attorney is there. Civil and Criminal liabilities of Principal and Attorney: Civil liability of Principal; if in performance of acts according to the power of attorney the third party suffers a loss then the Principal will be responsible subject to authorizing for the same act in the power of attorney. Civil liability of Attorney; in case of any action for which he is not authorized he will be responsible for the losses occurred to the third party on the basis of such act. Criminal liability of Principal and Attorney: Criminal liability of Principal; under normal circumstances the Principal will not be responsible for the criminal acts of the Attorney. Criminal responsibility of the Attorney; if Attorney is found guilty of breach of trust then he can be preceded under section 406 and 409 of Pakistan Penal Code and be punished. Cancellation of Power of Attorney: The Principal can cancel the Power of Attorney whether General or Special at any time or in case of death of Attorney or the Principal, it will be cancelled automatically. In the first instance, concerned Registrar where Power of Attorney is registered will cancel it and it will also be published in a newspaper. Power of Attorney will also be cancelled if the job/assignment for which it was given is completed. You can contact Mumtaz & Associates for detailed consultancy and advice relating to Power of Attorney. Mumtaz & Associates is involved in providing services and assistance to our valued clients in buying and selling of bothmovable and immovable properties & real estate in Pakistan. We also provide our services to facilitate the required permissions, etc. for setting up various industries, factories, commercial complexes, industrial and residential estates, etc. across Pakistan. Mumtaz & Associates offers a broad spectrum of services in property & real estate in Pakistan including following:
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any property or real-estate related legal services in Pakistan. Intellectual Property Rights are those rights which refers to the creations of the human mind such as artistic work; musical work; literary work; inventions; symbols; names; images; designs use in commerce; copyrights; trademarks; patents and related rights. These rights give exclusive right to the creators of such work to use, perform, transfer or sell these rights. On the same hand if any individual, firm, company etc. uses these rights without permission or authority of the owners of theses rights then they have the right to initiate court proceedings against the infringers by way of damages, injunctions and accounts. Mumtaz & Associates specializes in Intellectual Property Laws. We advise on the protection and registration of trademarks, copyrights, patents, industrial designs, geographical indications, Internet domain names, etc. in Pakistan. Mumtaz & Associates also advises on information and technology transfers and drafts and negotiates licensing and franchising agreements. Please Contact Us for detailed consultation. Company Registration: Single-Member Company Any person may form a single member company in Pakistan. Single Member Company or “SMC” means a private company which has only one member/director and will avail privileges of limiting the liability. Subject to certain modifications, all the provisions of the companies-law-pakistan-company-registration-pakistan/">Companies Ordinance, 1984 which apply to private companies limited by shares will apply to single member companies. The introduction of the concept of a single member company has facilitated sole proprietorships to obtain corporate status, giving them the privilege to limit the liability of their proprietor. All the shares are vested with single member/director, however, person is required to nominate two individuals, one of whom shall become nominee director in case of death of the single member/director and the other shall become alternate nominee director to work as nominee director in case of non-availability of the nominee director and also Single-Member Company is required to appoint a company secretary. Mumtaz & Associates have dealt with various registration of single member companies in Pakistan like health and care related single member companies, real estate single member companies, garments related single member companies, furniture related single member companies , electronics related single member companies, IT related companies, service oriented single member companies, travel and tour related single member companies, construction related single member companies , manufacturing related single member Companies. jewellery related services companies, home decoration related companies, event management & wedding decoration related single member companies. Mumtaz & Associates can advice you on registration of Single-Member Company and other related matters to individuals, firms, companies both local and foreign. You can contact us for detailed consultancy and advice. Company Formation: Sole Proprietorship In a Sole Proprietorship registration-pakistan/">business in Pakistan, an individual on his/her own account carries out the business or profession. The business assets of the sole proprietor are legally treated as his own. No formal procedure or formality is required for setting up a sole proprietary concern in Pakistan nor prior registration of it is required from any government authority or department. Please Contact Us for further consultation. Company Formation: Partnership A Partnership in Pakistan is a business entered into by a formal agreement between two or more persons or corporations carrying on a business in common. The capital for a Partnership is provided by the partners who are liable for the total debts of the firms and who share the profits and losses of the business concern according to the terms of the partnership agreement. Partnership in Pakistan (other than banking companies) are generally limited in size to twenty partners. The interest of a partner is transferable only with the prior consent of the other partner(s). However, a partner’s right to a share of the partnership income may be received in trust for another person. For taxation purposes in Pakistan, partnerships are classified into: Registered firms and Unregistered firms. The income of the registered firm is subject to super tax before distribution to the partners. Also the individual income of the partners is subject to income tax at the usual rates. For unregistered firms, income tax is levied on the firm’s income and the partners are not liable to pay tax on the shares of profit received from the unregistered firm(s).
You can also Contact Us for detailed consultation regarding business setup or company registration in Pakistan. Opening a Hotel or Restaurant The Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Act, 1976 and The Pakistan Hotels and Restaurants Rules, 1977 is the law which deals with the registration and control of the hotels and restaurants. Owner of every restaurant or hotel shall from the opening apply to the controller for registration, without first getting the hotel or restaurant registered and obtaining a license under the Act no owner, (individual, firm, company) is allowed to carry on his business. For registration of a restaurant, the owner of the restaurant is required to conform to the standard of health, hygiene,comfort, medical certificates of staffs in good health, its building is structurally safe and to fulfill other requirements in accordance with law. After getting registration the owner of the restaurant is required to obtain a license from the controller. Normally, registration and license are issued at the same time. A license granted shall remain in force for a period of one year and is renewable every year on payment of prescribed government fee. Mumtaz & Associates offers services in obtaining registration and license to open a hotel or restaurant and also provides information to help open and operate business including under mentioned services:
Please Contact Us for further consultation. Under mentioned brief information is the pre-requisite for the incorporation/registration of Private Security Company in Pakistan.There are certain businesses before commencing in Pakistan as per law are required to take prior permission from the concerned departments. As such a company which will be providing security services, permission from Interior Ministry is mandatory. Private Security Companies in Pakistan are operating under an administrative order issued by the Ministry of interior in 1988. Private Security Companies are required to be register themselves with the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan i.e. SECP under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Individuals /group of individuals who intend to establish a private security company may approach the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan at Islamabad / Provincial capitals. After meeting the formalities which are required by law for the incorporation of the company Securities & Exchange Commission will register the company. After registration, nine complete sets of documents are sent by the Securities & Exchange Commission to Ministry of interior for grant of NOC, along with the bio data of subscribers, four attested photographs of each subscribers and financial position / bank statement of the subscribers (Aggregate wealth should not be less than 1.5 million at least). The process of issuance of NOC by Ministry of Interior normally takes three to four months, it can also be extended. For operation in the Province the company is required to approach the concerned Home Secretary for grant of license for operation in the respective jurisdiction. The affairs of the Private Security Companies are regulated as per Ordinance and rules framed by the Provinces. The Private Security Companies shall function in the Provinces under Provincial Ordinance/rules. The uniform for the guards of Private Security Companies may nor resemble with the uniforms of Pakistan Armed Forces and other Law enforcement agencies. Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be comprehensive, and many details which may be relevant to particular circumstances have been omitted. These brief notes are for general guidance only and should not be taken as a substitute for a thorough and professional legal advice. Accordingly it should not be regarded as being a complete source of information. The brief over-view explains in very general terms incorporating Private Security Agency Companies in Pakistan. Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, cinematographic, recording and certain other intellectual works. Mumtaz & Associates offers undermentioned services in the field of Copyright:
Please Contact Us for further consultation. A patent for an invention is grant of exclusive rights to make, use and sell the invention for a limited period of 20 years. The patent grant excludes others from making, using, or selling the invention. Patent protection does not start until the actual grant of a patent. A patent cannot be obtained on a mere idea or suggestion. Mumtaz & Associates offers undermentioned services in the field of Patent:
Please Contact Us for detailed consultation. A trademark is a distinctive sign or indication of some kind which includes in particular a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name including personal name, signature, word, letter, numeral, figurative element, colour, sound or any combination thereof which is used by an individual, firm, company, business organization etc. to identify the source of its products and services to consumers and to distinguish its products and services from those of other entities. Mumtaz & Associates is providing undermentioned services for the protection and registration of trademarks in Pakistan:
Mumtaz & Associates also provides complete range of legal services in Trademarks infringement including representation before courts in Trademark disputes. Please Contact Us for further consultation.